Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Elvis and H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks

A typical conversation over lunch between two cousins...

Cole: (with much enthusiasm) "I can't wait to go to Heaven."
Baylee: (with a little attitude) "Why?"
Cole: "So I can see Elvis!"
Baylee: "How do you know Elvis is in Heaven?"
Cole: "Well...he's a rock star, so he can't just lay there!"
Baylee: "How do you know he is in Heaven and not, you know...h-e-double hockey sticks."
Cole: (with much frustration) "I don't know what you're talking about...I don't even play hockey!"

Enjoying the ride!


Shellee said...

That totally made me laugh out loud...seriously...that's funny!

Mom said...

Well I guess I am dumb as can be, because though I love Elvis, I don't know what H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks means either. Love, Mom/MeMe

Amie said...

This was such a great story, involving my little drama king Cole! I'm so glad you shared this story - we all deserve a great laugh every now and then!!