Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Completely Moved

I began reading a blog a few days ago that many of you already read, Bring the Rain http://audreycaroline.blogspot.com/ . If you have never visited this site you should, you will be better for it. The author is a gifted writer who has inspired me in many facets of my life. She is clearly fulfilling God's plan for her in this blog pursuit. The story begins when she is made aware that the life growing inside of her is extremely unhealthy and that, short of a miracle from the Creator, Himself, her daughter will not live. Let me follow that statement with this...her story will sadden your heart, while her message will transform your life.

The day I found her journal was a typical Sunday. We worshiped, we ate, we napped...except I couldn't rest. So as I navigated through my routine blog visits, I thought I would give her site a glance just because I love that song (the title of her blog) and it scares me greatly all at the same time. I had absolutely no idea what I would find, Who I question, and how I would choose to live life from there on.

It wasn't long into her compelling story that I found myself glued to the computer screen, because to walk away from it would interfere with His plan for me that Sunday. As I read on, I repeatedly felt the presence of someone. My precious niece was walking in circles around the kitchen in an effort to get Brody to sleep for his afternoon nap. He was a bit resistant. I spent the entire afternoon traveling through the past six months of life with this woman I had never met...the joys of everyday life with children, and the almost unbearable pain of anticipating the loss of a child. By the time I had brought myself to date with her blog, my emotions were completely out of my control. I went back in time when I was newly pregnant with Brody, a friend of mine found out that she was expecting her first grandchild. At twenty-one weeks her grandson would enter this world and live out his life in a few short days. A few months later, on my way to bed rest with high blood pressure, another friend gave birth at twenty-five weeks. She too struggled with high blood pressure. After a couple of months of fighting for each breath her son returned home to his Maker. One morning after I returned to work from maternity leave one of my students ran up to me saying that her baby sister had died. Like Brody, she was born in December. To say that my faith in a healthy pregnancy, delivery and life there after was shaken, is a huge understatement. Why? Why me? Why my child? There were countless nights that I woke from a deep sleep just to hear him breathe. Years back my pastor preached a sermon titled "Why Not Me?" The message was that not one of us is promised a life without pain and heartache, so when struggles do find our path, we should accept them with that attitude...why not me? I must tell you now that I have survived a couple of tragedies in my 32 years. I have awaken to those mornings that I did not want to wake up to...it wasn't just a bad dream. There were times when reality was simply too real. Today, for reasons that I can not explain, I find it easier to ask why not me than to accept the blessings.

Upon completion of the blog I wiped my tears, relieved Olivia of her duties, took Brody upstairs to his room, rocked him and cried another good while. I cried for my friends. I cried for my student and her sweet mother. I cried for this special woman I have never met but feel her pain so deeply. I cried, thanking God for Brody and asking Him to keep him safely here, with me. I wish that I could tell you that I pray for God to use my kids for His glory, whatever the outcome, but I can't. I'm not there yet.

In the days to follow I spent many hours reflecting on her story. Her unwavering faith is life changing. Through her storm she has glorified our God in the highest. Through her story she has honored her daughter's life and I am certain she has transformed others'.

I have been a believer for more than ten years now. It has been my experience that sometimes God sends us things for a sense of renewal...I thank Him for this one. I can feel change in me and I accept it. There are many things that I have deemed important and therefore placed unnecessary value on them. I have had trouble being able to fully rest lately. Yesterday while I was shopping for sheets, thinking that I most certainly need Egyptian cotton to get a good night's rest, He spoke to me. He reminded me it is in Him that I will find rest...

My hope is that you will find renewal in your walk with Jesus if you, like me, need it. I also hope that my transparency was not too much for this beautiful summer day in July...


leiGh said...

I am so glad to be your friend.

Jaclyn said...

We have been friends for 18 years and you still amaze me everyday...I love the pic you sent me!!

The Duddington Family said...

I am so comforted with your faith and am glad to know you. Thank you for sharing your message and renewal. ~Jenn

Mom said...

Words alone cannot express how much your life encourages me - I am so very proud of you, Jenny Ann! You really do walk the walk. Mom

Amie said...

Wow what a touching and emotional story!! I pray everyday that this life growing inside of me will be happy and healthy. I tell myself everyday to have faith in Him instead of worrying. I know that He will do ONLY what's best for me, Craig and Cole. Thanks for sharing! I love you!