Sunday, July 12, 2009


Majesty, Majesty

Your grace has found me just as I am
Empty handed, but alive in your hands...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Switching Gears

This summer has proven to be one of the most challenging that I can remember.
I have found myself switching gears...

from cooking mac-n-cheese to praying over Brody in the back of an ambulance,

from gearing up for the vacation of our lives to settling in to our cozy pool,

from building a road block for anything that might set off an emotional preteen to crawling around the house like a bear with a cub following behind me, laughing hysterically,

from teaching Brody to speak the name Jesus to teaching Baylee that He loves those who have hurt her just as much as He loves her,

from pursuing the role of a patient mother to that of an understanding and supportive wife,

from desperately asking God for mercy to praising Him for it.

I wouldn't trade one day of this summer, even if I could. I believe that such challenges are necessary for completion of the greater picture.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I can't think of a better way to spend it!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Perpetual Perspective

My mom is my biggest fan. No question. She sees the good in me when all I can focus on are the areas that need improvement. We all need someone like that on our side. And although I am grateful for this that my mom offers, I have come to depend on her ability to put the seemingly toughest challenges into perspective.

Like most, I have had my share of mountains to climb. Some greater than others. And some I still question. But no matter what road I was called to walk, my mom was always there. Joyful, painful, uncertain, she was there.

I don't tell you often enough, but mom, I sure do love you. I'm grateful for you. You still provide a feeling of security for me...and I'll always need you! Thank you for caring.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Fun

Monday, April 13, 2009

33 Years of Wisdom

***Update: Matt took Brody to the doctor and both ears were infected...this is the 3rd set of double ear infections this year! Yikes***

It's been an awesome birthday, already! The party started at 3 a.m. with Brody screaming at the top of his lungs...untill...4:30ish a.m. After some Motrin, Orajel and Ear-Gestic Otic Solution he finally fell back asleep for a little while. Shortly after he did, Baylee whispered in my sleeping ear "Mom, I don't feel so good."

At that point I called the substitute hotline, hooked my other 22 children up with a warm body, and headed to the school to make sure all was ready for them.

It's 5:26 p.m. now and both of my blessings are running fever! If you have ever had a 16 mo. old with a fever then you know that, at times, a route canal can be more pleasant.

The birthday wishes started early this morning with a snappy sweet text from my long distance sister (whom I miss terribly and want to come to cowtown a super big bunch!) and my mother-in-law! My super sweet niece even text me today...umm...I hope I didn't just bust you,Morgan! Anyway, she is already way better than me at remembering b-days!

Do you wonder what I have eaten today??

It just so happens that my mother-in-law made me a batch of Sandies! Thanks Gramma!

And do you know what I found when I walked with Brody to the mailbox?

This sweet card with a special kind of paper in it! Thanks Mom and Dad! I miss you...

And even though we were supposed to go out to eat at Fudruckers (try to spell that with no sleep) we'll probably have spaghetti, unless Matt brings something yummy home!

See, in all my years of wisdom, I know that these are precious moments I have been allowed to have today with my little chicks. So don't think for a minute that I wish I were laying on a beach in Florida, with a fruity drink in my hand, soaking up the sun. Cause I don't. What kind of mother would I be if I did? AND, how much wisdom would you think I have if that's where I wish I were right now!

***I just received gooooood news...PawPaw is on his way with Parton's Pizza for dinner!***

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Fine Parenting

I had training today at another campus that ended early so I picked Bay up from school e-a-r-l-y! The way to that girl's heart is an early dismissal...when she was in Kindergarten she would ask me almost every day, "mom, are you going to get me for early dis-mi- thal today?"

Anyway, we were on our way to Hulen Mall for some Easter Egg-stravaganza (really just a dress) and found a little more than that...if you know what I mean! It was an awesome afternoon with my girl.

We met up with the boys just before church and Baylee wanted to show Matt her new stuff...she's done it as long as I can remember...models every new piece! Before she started across the catwalk she came into the kitchen where I was making-tasting a sandwich and asked this question...

"Mom, should I tell Dad how much we spent?"

Without thought, hesitation, contemplation, or processing, my mouth which was full of sandwich said...

"Absolutely not! And do not mention the two free tote bags we earned from our purchase either!"

I'm not sure what I taught her tonite, but, at least we paid with credit cards so that's progress! Baby steps, right?

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Here's to You...Kristy!

This chic is one special friend to me! I've thought about this post for quite some time now (like 6 months, since the last here's to you post). There are so many ways that Kristy has affected my the way she cared for me while I was on bed rest with baby Brody. She would stop by the house at least twice a week to...

1) bring me fresh baked pumpkin bread

2) clean my house, literally

3) bring me fresh baked pumpkin bread

4) do my laundry

5) bring me fresh baked pumpkin bread

6) cook my family dinner (with the best mashed potatoes that most definitely did not land me in the hospital from the salt!)

7) bring me fresh baked pumpkin bread

8) bring me an array of reading materials

9) and fresh baked pumpkin bread

10) teach me how to play Sudoku

Did I mention the fresh baked pumpkin bread? I remember one specific time she was there, I was on the couch, depressed. She brought all of the baby's clothes downstairs to wash and get ready for the big arrival. She must have done 3 loads, folding and cleaning in between, all the while pumpkin bread was baking in my oven. I wanted to cry so badly but held back the tears...I wanted to cry because I couldn't be up moving around, getting ready for the baby without possibly harming him, or myself. I wanted to cry because I didn't even know how to make pumpkin bread. And I wanted to cry because I couldn't believe God had given me a friend like Kristy. She helped to keep my life flowing when I couldn't...and the most amazing part of it all...for those of you who don't know Kristy, she has 4 boys of her own to care for at home!

She was Jesus to me.

And, if all that baby preparation was not enough, she loved my sweet boy 3 days a week when I returned to work...

I'm pretty sure I panicked and had a near breakdown when my maternity leave (ummm, 5 months long) was up and I had to get back to work! When Kristy told me she would keep Brody on her days off, it was the first time I thought I could actually do it. I cried. She helped make that transition go smoothly and I never once worried about Brody. That's a special peace only a working momma knows!

I mentioned that she has 4 beautiful boys of her own, but what I didn't tell you is that one super precious little boy has Celiac Disease. Sweet Luke gets a horrible tummy ache from all things wheat and those that are not gluten free! Which the hustle and bustle of life with boys and ball practices and school and church, Kristy has to make sure that Luke's breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks are Celiac safe! I am just so impressed with her ability to keep all the balls in the air.

She was there when I graduated college. She was there when my child was born. She was there when I received an awesome honor at work. And I will be blessed to have her there for many more great days.

Kristy is definitely one of my "advisers". She is the first person I go to with kid questions, because, she's been through it all. She is also one of the first to be hounded with life's little ups and downs. And in the 9 years that I've known her...she has never once lead me astray.

So tonite, I'll thank our sweet Jesus for you, Kristy. For your pumpkin bread. For your salty mashed potatoes. For your wisdom. For your friendship...

Don't forget to leave her some sweet words!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

1st Hair Cut

So long precious baby boy curls...

Hello big boy hair...

I'm not at all regretting this decision. Not at all. Not one bit. Not even for a minute. And I'm not tickled pink, I mean blue, that those precious baby boy curls are growing back. Not one bit!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Gift

She was given to two completely undeserving people, 11 years ago...

and we couldn't have been more grateful to receive this gift!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Self Feeding

I guess applesauce wasn't the wisest choice for practicing this mildstone. However...isn't there a special grace for us first-time parents? And really, when you have your children decades apart, doesn't that make you a first-time parent each time?
Enjoying the ride!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Allergic to...T-E-X-A-S

***Update*** I forgot to thank a super spectacular friend who referred me to Dr. Tremblay. Heather Williams might be the only person on earth that fully understands my allergic nose! YES Heather...I LOVE DR. TREMBLAY and I love you for being on DPC and recommending him!

On Februaruy 10th I went to visit Dr. Norman Tremblay, the allergy specialist. I was just beside myself excited about this appointment since I haven't been able to breathe through my nose in approxiamately 8 years! Anyhow, upon my initial consoltation, Dr. Tremblay introduced himself, interviewed me and then took a quick glance up my nose. He wasn't up there but a few seconds when he said, "Well Jenny, you're not fake'n!" About an hour and a half later, after many tests and retests he comes to this conclusion...

I am allergic to Texas! I reacted to nearly every tree, all grass except for burmuda, ALL animals (even chicken, geese, and Green Acres for me!), every bush and all brush and most of all...dust mites (that warrants a cleaning lady, wouldn't you say?). The only thing I showed only a level "1" reaction to was mold! The nurse forgot to take the picture until it was time for me to leave so some of my welps had gone down. However...I'm still scratching the cat and that darn mountain cedar!

Alright, now that we know the problems, how ever will we solve them? Perhaps a little...

How about a steriod for starters? Then we'll mix in a couple of nose sprays, some Singular, Claritin D...O, and did I mention I have just a touch of asthma, so a fast-acting inhaler too!


I curse you cats...and mountian cedar...but, Thanks Dr. Tremblay!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Let's Catch Up, Shall We?

Happy Thanksgiving 2008

Kelci Grace Chapman
Cole's a BIG brother!

Brody loves Aunt Mamie and thanks her for a cousin to grow up with!

Happy Birthday Baby Brody!

One is so much fun!

Merry Christmas 2008 Matt made Christmas tree pancakes for breakfast

Brody's first!

She's just that girl who needs no description!

After having a contract on our home for nearly 3 months, and many uphill battles to make it all come together, we said good-by on January 6th! We then moved into our quaint apartment and just as we settled in we realized that someone in our family was causing trouble. As it turns out, the love of my life is highly allergic to four legged friends who sport a wet nose and a wagging tail. And, after many sleepless nights over our sweet Ellie's next destination, I received a phone call from a familiar voice...

These two people are some of the finest ever, no question! Debbie (my H-town) calls and tells me to load her up and bring her down. Rusty has agreed to share his sausage and beer with Ellie, and consequently, they are the best of friends! They will never know how much of a blessing they both are to their family in Fort Worth...Thank you so much!

The World's Best Dog

Monday, January 5, 2009

Romans ?:? joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer...

The house is packed, appartment rented, storage unit waiting, and our 4:00 closing has been cancelled...for the second time. Did I mention that the house is packed, including my bible?

In His time...