Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Self Feeding

I guess applesauce wasn't the wisest choice for practicing this mildstone. However...isn't there a special grace for us first-time parents? And really, when you have your children decades apart, doesn't that make you a first-time parent each time?
Enjoying the ride!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Allergic to...T-E-X-A-S

***Update*** I forgot to thank a super spectacular friend who referred me to Dr. Tremblay. Heather Williams might be the only person on earth that fully understands my allergic nose! YES Heather...I LOVE DR. TREMBLAY and I love you for being on DPC and recommending him!

On Februaruy 10th I went to visit Dr. Norman Tremblay, the allergy specialist. I was just beside myself excited about this appointment since I haven't been able to breathe through my nose in approxiamately 8 years! Anyhow, upon my initial consoltation, Dr. Tremblay introduced himself, interviewed me and then took a quick glance up my nose. He wasn't up there but a few seconds when he said, "Well Jenny, you're not fake'n!" About an hour and a half later, after many tests and retests he comes to this conclusion...

I am allergic to Texas! I reacted to nearly every tree, all grass except for burmuda, ALL animals (even chicken, geese, and duck...no Green Acres for me!), every bush and all brush and most of all...dust mites (that warrants a cleaning lady, wouldn't you say?). The only thing I showed only a level "1" reaction to was mold! The nurse forgot to take the picture until it was time for me to leave so some of my welps had gone down. However...I'm still scratching the cat and that darn mountain cedar!

Alright, now that we know the problems, how ever will we solve them? Perhaps a little...

How about a steriod for starters? Then we'll mix in a couple of nose sprays, some Singular, Claritin D...O, and did I mention I have just a touch of asthma, so a fast-acting inhaler too!


I curse you cats...and mountian cedar...but, Thanks Dr. Tremblay!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Let's Catch Up, Shall We?

Happy Thanksgiving 2008

Kelci Grace Chapman
Cole's a BIG brother!

Brody loves Aunt Mamie and thanks her for a cousin to grow up with!

Happy Birthday Baby Brody!

One is so much fun!

Merry Christmas 2008 Matt made Christmas tree pancakes for breakfast

Brody's first!

She's just that girl who needs no description!

After having a contract on our home for nearly 3 months, and many uphill battles to make it all come together, we said good-by on January 6th! We then moved into our quaint apartment and just as we settled in we realized that someone in our family was causing trouble. As it turns out, the love of my life is highly allergic to four legged friends who sport a wet nose and a wagging tail. And, after many sleepless nights over our sweet Ellie's next destination, I received a phone call from a familiar voice...

These two people are some of the finest ever, no question! Debbie (my sister...in H-town) calls and tells me to load her up and bring her down. Rusty has agreed to share his sausage and beer with Ellie, and consequently, they are the best of friends! They will never know how much of a blessing they both are to their family in Fort Worth...Thank you so much!

The World's Best Dog