Thursday, June 26, 2008

One Sassy Softball Chick

Another season has come and gone! I must admit that I love when the season starts and by the time it ends I am so ready. Showtime, as a team, had a rough go at it this year. This was their first time to play as a competitive team and so they faced many challenges along the way. It's hard for the girls to practice and play so hard yet not have many W's to show for it. Likewise, it was difficult for many of the parents. The competitive side of me totally gets that while the teacher side of me found joy in watching them learn and improve with each game! They are a precious group of girls and I feel blessed that Baylee had this time with them.

Baylee-Girl learned a bunch this season! She worked very hard on laying down a beautiful bunt and has become pretty successful at it. She also practiced the drag bunt...had a couple of them...still practicing! I think what she is most proud of is her efforts in learning to pitch. She has been taken pitching lessons each week for some time now. Matt has taken her to the lessons and has learned quite a bit himself. They spent many hours each week in the backyard...Matt sitting on the bucket and Baylee pitching away to him! She even got a little time on the mound here and there during pool games. All in all, she worked really hard and I am so proud of her for that...I love you, kiddo! Here are a few sassy shots I was able to get...

By the way...I just typed this blog with a sweet baby boy sleeping on my chest, still sucking a pappy that fell out of his mouth 20 minutes ago!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

6 Months Old...

That's Brody! Each day is an adventure with all the new and exciting milestones. He is rolling all around, grabbing toys (and hair), scooting (backwards!), and sitting up with a little assistance! We are all so proud of him and we are having an absolute blast loving him as he grows! His 6 month stats are: 18.12 lbs and 28 in. He's a big boy and is eating many fruits and vegetables. Sweet potatoes are his favorite while he does not appreciate pears at all! This is true joy!

Happy Birthday Shellee!

Today, some years ago, God blessed me with Shellee Renee Gilbert! Although, I did not meet her until later in life and miles from home for both of us, I'm so very glad I did! This chick is one of a kind. I have never met anyone who's life is more parallel with mine. She has gone to the depths of Hell to retrieve me when I could not find my way back. She is the first one I call when something phenomenal happens OR when I have eaten a whole package of Reese's Cups all by myself (and I'm not talking about the 2 pack)! It has been my absolute privilege doing life with Shellee and I look forward to many more years...happy B-day Shell!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day...

Matt! We had a super great day with a super great dad! It started with breakfast...jalapeno-cheese sausage rolls and coffee. Next up was an awesome hour of worship and then lunch with Matt's family. After that we made it back home for a super long nap and some intense t.v. watching. Finally, we had an amazing dinner that I prepared for the father of my children...Reese's Puffs bed! It was a fantastic day and I could not ask for a better dad for my kids!

AND...Happy Father's Day to my Dad! John Tamulitis has been my dad for 32.2 years and I am grateful for it! He has taught me many things to help me along in life but the one that stuck with me the most is this little message..."Don't let anyone still your joy!" That's powerful and I often refer back to that bit of wisdom. Dad lives in Houston so I did not see him on his special day but I do see a road trip in the near future...I love you, Dad!