Monday, April 7, 2008

A Little About Bay

Top 5 "why she's so cool"...

1. She carries beef jerky in her emergency pouch on her bicycle and snacks while she rides.

2. She can't keep up with anything until I throw it away and then she knows right where it was last! (and argues to the death that she had it in that obscure place for a reason!)

3. Sometimes her drama is so dramatic (tears, hyperventilating, pacing) that it cracks her up midstream (if only for a moment).

4. She can not grasp the concept that if you are walking back into Walmart with soap in your hand to pay for it (because it was hiding under the car seat at checkout), you will not be taken to jail for shoplifting!

5. She had Flaming Hot Cheetos w/Lime for dinner tonight. (does that say something about me?)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Monkey Munch for Luke

A super precious little boy, who just happens to be one of Brody's best friends, has recently been diagnosed with Celiac Disease. That means that Luke can not eat any wheat or gluten without having a tummy ache. So...his mom, my good friend, and a special someone to Brody, has been studying very hard and planning too; so that Luke can have yummy food without the pain. One of the cool cereals that is gluten free is Gorilla Munch. Today Brody turned that Gorilla Munch into Monkey Munch! He added lots of yummy, sugary stuff to the cereal to make it a super delicious snack. Here are some pictures...
Luky...we love you so much and can't wait to give you the Monkey Munch at church tomorrow!

Praying for Mr. Gilbert

One of the dearest people in my life is Shellee and her dad needs our prayers. He has been struggling with a lung disease and has since developed pneumonia. He is in some significant discomfort and fighting hard to beat this infection. Shellee has gone to be with him...please remember Mr. Gilbert in your prayers tonight.